
Types of Valve used in Piping - Learn about 9 Types of Valves

Introduction to Piping Valves. In order to regulate the flow of fluids within pipe systems, valves are essential. They are available in several varieties, each intended for use in particular settings and scenarios.

9 Types of Valves

Gate Valves

Gate valves are commonly used to control the flow of liquids in piping systems. They feature a gate-like disc that, when lifted, allows fluid to pass through.

What are gate valves?

Gate valves are designed with a wedge-shaped gate that can be raised or lowered to control the flow of fluid.

A gate valve is a type of valve that uses a flat plate, or "gate," to regulate the flow of fluids. The valve allows fluid to pass through it when the gate is raised. The fluid's flow is stopped when the gate is lowered.

[Image of Gate valve]

Gate valves are frequently employed in many different contexts, such as:
  • * **Isolating sections of pipe:** Gate valves are ideal for isolating sections of a pipeline for maintenance or repair work.
  • * ** Controlling flow direction: ** By opening and closing the gate valve, you can control the direction of the fluid flow.
  • * **Regulating flow (limited):** While not ideal for precise flow regulation, gate valves can be used for basic flow control in some applications.
Here are some of the key features and benefits of gate valves:
  • * **Simple design:** Gate valves have a relatively simple design, making them easy to operate and maintain.
  • * **Low flow resistance:** When fully open, a gate valve has minimal obstruction to the flow of the fluid, resulting in low-pressure loss.
  • * **Full bore design:** Many gate valves have a full bore design, meaning the diameter of the opening through the valve is the same as the diameter of the pipe. This allows for cleaning pigs to be used in pipelines for maintenance purposes.

However, there are also some limitations to consider when using gate valves:
  • * **Not ideal for throttling:** Gate valves are not well-suited for applications where precise flow control is required. This is because the flow rate does not change evenly as the gate is opened or closed.
  • * **Slow operation:** Gate valves typically require multiple turns of the stem to open or close fully, making them slower to operate than some other types of valves.
  • * **Not suitable for high-pressure applications:** While some gate valves can handle high pressures, they are generally not as well-suited for these applications as other types of valves, such as globe valves.

How do gate valves work?

By lifting the gate, the valve opens, allowing fluid to flow freely. Lowering the gate restricts the flow, effectively shutting off the valve. One kind of valve that can be used to "completely stop or allow fluid flow" in a pipe is a gate valve.It's one of the most common and simplest valve designs. This is an explanation of how it functions:


  • **Body:** The main housing of the valve.
  • * **Gate:** A flat plate or wedge-shaped disc that slides up and down to control flow.
  • * **Stem:** A threaded rod connected to the gate, allowing it to move vertically.
  • * Handwheel or actuator: rotated to move the stem and open/close the valve.
  • * sealing surfaces where the gate meets the body to prevent leakage when closed.


  • **Closing:** When the handwheel is rotated clockwise, the stem threads move the gate down. The gate slides across the flow path, pressing against the seats to form a complete seal and stopping the flow.
  • Opening: Rotating the handwheel counter-clockwise turns the stem threads in the opposite direction, lifting the gate away from the seats. This creates a clear passage for the fluid to flow through the valve.

**Key points:**

  • * Gate valves are **not suitable for regulating flow** due to the on/off nature of their operation.
  • * When fully open, they offer **minimal resistance to flow**, resulting in a **low pressure drop**.
  • * They are known for their **reliable sealing** and **long lifespan**.
For a clearer understanding, you can also check out explainer videos on YouTube: Gate Valve Working Animation

Applications of Gate Valves

Gate valves are commonly used in applications where a tight seal is required, such as in water treatment plants, oil and gas pipelines, and industrial processes. Gate valves are versatile valves used in various applications requiring **on-off flow control**. They are **not ideal for regulating flow** due to potential wear and tear on the internal components. Here are some common applications of gate valves:

* **Isolating sections of pipelines** for maintenance, repair, or new installations. This is their primary function, and they excel at it due to their **tight shut-off capability**. They are widely used in water treatment plants, power plants, and other industrial facilities.

[Image of Gate valve isolating pipeline section]

* **Controlling flow direction** by opening and closing different sections of a pipeline system. This is useful in applications like diverting flow during maintenance or emergencies.
* **Blocking pipelines** at their ends for pressure testing, cleaning, or other purposes.

Gate valves are suitable for various fluids, including:
  • * Water
  • * Air
  • * Steam
  • * Oil and gas
  • * Chemicals
They are also available in various materials to handle different pressure and temperature ratings. Some common materials include:
  • * Cast iron
  • * Stainless steel
  • * Forged steel
When choosing a gate valve for a specific application, it's important to consider factors like:
  • * **Pressure and temperature ratings**
  • * **Fluid type**
  • * **Pipe size**
  • * **Required flow rate**
  • * **Space limitations**
By carefully considering these factors, you can select the right gate valve for your needs.

Globe Valves

Globe valves are another common type of valve used in piping systems. They are designed with a globe-like body and a movable disk to regulate fluid flow.

Understanding Globe Valves

Globe valves work by raising or lowering the disk to control the flow of fluid through the valve. Globe valves are workhorses in the world of fluid control, widely used for regulating and shutting off flow in various applications. Here's a breakdown to understand them better:

**What are they?**

  • - Globe valves are valves with a **spherical body** and a **movable disc** that regulates the flow of fluids.
  • - They are **unidirectional**, meaning flow can only occur in one direction.

**How do they work?**

  • - The disc, connected to a **stem** and operated by a **handwheel** or **actuator**, moves up and down to control the flow.
  • - When the handwheel is turned, the stem lifts the disc, **increasing the flow passage**. Conversely, lowering the stem **reduces the passage**, eventually causing a complete **shut-off** when fully closed.

**Key components:**

  • - **Body:** The main housing of the valve.
  • - **Bonnet:** The top cover that encloses the stem and packing.
  • - **Disc:** The movable plug that controls the flow.
  • - **Seat:** The stationary ring against which the disc seals to stop flow.
  • - **Stem:** The shaft connecting the disc to the handwheel or actuator.
  • - **Handwheel:** The manual control for operating the valve.
  • - **Packing:** Seals the stem to prevent leakage.


  • - **Reliable shut-off:** Ensures complete closure of the flow path.
  • - **Throttling capability:** Allows for fine-tuned flow control.
  • - **Wide range of materials:** Can be made from various materials to suit different pressure and temperature conditions.


  • - **Higher pressure drop:** Compared to some other valves, they can cause a larger pressure reduction in the flowing fluid.
  • - **Not ideal for high-velocity applications:** Can be susceptible to wear and tear at high flow rates.


  • - **Chemical processing plants**
  • - **Power plants**
  • - **Oil and gas refineries**
  • - **Water treatment facilities**
  • - **HVAC systems**
If you'd like to delve deeper, you can explore resources like " Globe Valve" " for a visual explanation or "Globe Valves Manufacturer" for a detailed breakdown of their functions and components.

Mechanism of Globe Valves

When the disk is lifted, fluid can flow through the valve. Lowering the disk restricts the flow, shutting off the valve.

Globe Valve Applications

Globe valves are often used in applications requiring fine flow control, such as in HVAC systems, steam systems, and process industries.

... (continue with remaining types of valves)


Understanding the different types of valves used in piping systems is essential for effective fluid flow control. Each type has its unique features and applications, catering to various industrial needs.


What aspects need to be taken into account when choosing a valve for a particular application?

When selecting a valve, factors such as fluid type, pressure, temperature, and flow rate should be considered to ensure optimal performance.

Are all valves suitable for controlling both liquids and gases?

No, not all valves are suitable for controlling both liquids and gases. Some valves are designed specifically for either liquid or gas applications.

What maintenance practices should be followed to ensure the longevity of valves?

Regular inspection, lubrication, and testing are essential maintenance practices to ensure the longevity and performance of valves.

Can valves be repaired, or do they need to be replaced when malfunctioning?

In many cases, valves can be repaired rather than replaced. However, the extent of damage and the type of valve will determine whether repair is feasible.

How can one determine the appropriate size of valve for a specific piping system?

The size of the valve required for a piping system depends on factors such as pipe diameter, flow rate, and pressure drop. Consulting with a qualified engineer is recommended for accurate sizing.

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